Episode 183: Nick Barrett – The Birth & Development of CordBrick: A Physical Product’s Journey

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In this engaging episode of The Builders, host Matt Levenhagen interviews Nick Barrett, the founder of CordBrick. Nick candidly shares his entrepreneurial journey from humble beginnings to creating a successful cord management solution. He delves into the developmental challenges, early validation stages, and eventual market success of CordBrick. Listeners get a first-hand account of Nick's innovative thinking, his hands-on approach to creating a prototype, and how he navigated the hurdles of manufacturing and market entry.

Nick elaborates on his philosophy of building businesses, emphasizing the importance of passion, solving specific problems, and incremental validation through true customer feedback. With a focus on practical insights and entrepreneurial strategies, this episode provides listeners with a clear roadmap to turning ideas into tangible products. Nick’s story is not only about product success but also about his mission to inspire and support other entrepreneurs through his “Build Something” initiative.

Key Takeaways:

  • Validation and Iteration: Nick emphasizes the importance of creating a minimum viable product and iterating based on genuine customer feedback.
  • Manufacturing Lessons: Early mistakes with manufacturing guided Nick to a better understanding of prototyping, ultimately leading to a quality product and cost-effective solutions.
  • Marketing Strategy: The success of CordBrick was significantly driven by personal sales strategies, including direct engagement with potential customers at markets.
  • Building for Exit: Nick discusses his long-term goal of building his company for acquisition, a strategy that influences his business decisions and development processes.
  • Philanthropic Mission: Alongside his business venture, Nick is committed to giving back by supporting recovery housing and encouraging other entrepreneurs through motivational speaking and mentorship.

Nick Barrett

Nick Barrett is an entrepreneur and product developer

Creator of CordBrick & Founder of CordBrick LLC, Nick Barrett is an entrepreneur and product developer. A recovering alcoholic of 7+ years, his mission to “BUILD Something” extends beyond his patented creation to inspire others BUILD Something and to share their creation with the world!


  • Introduction
  • Nick Barrett’s Background
    • Early Entrepreneurial Ventures
    • Education and Early Career
    • Discovering a Passion for Entrepreneurship
  • Inspiration for CordBrick
    • Identifying the Problem with Phone Cords
    • Initial Concept and Idea Formation
  • Development Process of CordBrick
    • Prototyping and Early Designs
    • Overcoming Manufacturing Challenges
    • Transition from Initial Prototypes to Final Product
  • Validating the Product Idea
    • Early Market Testing and Customer Feedback
    • Initial Sales at Flea Markets
    • Scaling Up: Online Sales and Distribution
  • Marketing and Branding Strategies
    • Importance of Effective Marketing
    • Crafting the CordBrick Brand
    • Lessons Learned in Customer Engagement
  • Challenges and Lessons Learned
    • Manufacturing Hurdles and Solutions
    • Financial Challenges and Investment Needs
    • Importance of Persistence and Adaptability
  • Intellectual Property and Patents
    • Securing Patents for CordBrick
    • Protecting Intellectual Property in the Marketplace
  • Build Something Initiative
    • Mission to Inspire and Support Other Entrepreneurs
    • Charitable Contributions and Community Impact
    • Speaking Engagements and Mentorship
  • Future Vision and Products
    • Upcoming Products and Innovations
    • Long-Term Business Goals and Exit Strategy
  • Conclusion
    • Key Takeaways from Nick Barrett's Journey
    • Final Thoughts and Encouragement for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
    • Contact Information and Social Media Links

Click to See Episode Chapters and Timestamp

0:00Nick Barrett's Journey from Sales to Entrepreneurial Success
7:34The Creation of Cordbrick to Solve Falling Phone Cords
8:37Launching a Simple Product to Fund Future Ventures
17:31The Journey of Perfecting a Cord Management Product
22:41Challenges and Strategies in Manufacturing and Business Development
28:15From Flea Market to Success: Perfecting the Cord Holder Pitch
34:07Finding Passion Through Solving Problems and Adding Value
40:18Nick Barrett's Journey from Recovery to Entrepreneurial Success

Nick Barrett's quote

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