Episode 184 – I Built a List of 10,000… Can I Do It Again? My 52-Week Drip Campaign Strategy & Process

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In this engaging solo episode, Matt Levenhagen delves into the critical importance of list building for online success. He shares personal anecdotes and lessons from his early days in internet marketing forums, emphasizing the need to capture customer details and build lasting relationships.

Matt recounts a pivotal moment from 2005 where he realized the missed opportunities of not capturing buyer information and how it transformed his approach to online marketing.

Throughout the episode, Matt outlines his current strategies and initiatives towards effective list building. He discusses his recent experiences and the innovations he’s adopted to ensure consistent engagement with his audience, including a year-long, carefully crafted email drip sequence inspired by guest Darrell Evans.

This sequence, composed of 52 meticulously designed emails, aims to nurture subscribers, share valuable content, and softly pitch relevant services and products offered by Matt’s companies, Unified Web Design and Unified Plugins. Matt blends strategic advice with actionable steps, making this a must-listen episode for anyone eager to capitalize on email marketing and list building techniques.

Key Takeaways:

  • Importance of List Building: Capturing names and details of your audience is crucial for future engagements and sales opportunities.
  • Automation and Consistency: Leveraging tools like Mailchimp to create automated and consistent email journeys can significantly enhance relationship-building efforts.
  • Value-Driven Content: Ensuring your email content is predominantly value-driven and not just sales pitches can maintain subscriber interest and reduce churn.
  • Strategic Segmentation: Segmenting lists based on subscriber actions and interests can personalize the content and make it more relevant.
  • Personal Experience and Stories: Sharing personal success stories and case studies helps build authority and trust with your audience.


  • Introduction to List Building
  • Key Lessons from Early Experience
    • Missed opportunity by not capturing names after a successful product launch.
    • Transition to always capturing names for follow-up and relationship building.
  • Current List-Building Initiative
    • Challenges faced in recent years with list building due to business changes.
    • New strategies and initiatives that are gaining traction.
  • The Process of List Building Today
    • Concept development: From idea to execution.
    • Tools and platforms used (e.g., Mailchimp, ChatGPT).
    • Detailed approach to creating and structuring follow-up emails.
    • Importance of a personalized approach in automated email sequences.
  • Email Marketing Strategy
    • Discussion on the creation of a 52-week drip sequence inspired by a previous podcast guest.
    • Incorporating personal experiences and maintaining a conversational tone.
    • Challenges of maintaining consistency in email marketing.
  • Balancing Content and Offers
    • How to weave offers into valuable content without being overly sales-focused.
    • Using personal stories and case studies to add authenticity to marketing efforts.
  • Future Plans and Strategy Refinement
    • Continuous improvement of the list-building process.
    • Potential to refresh or expand content after the first year.
    • Exploring new ways to segment lists and tailor content.
  • Final Thoughts
    • Recap of the importance of list building.
    • Encouragement to listeners to consider list building as a strategic tool for their business.

Click to See Episode Chapters and Timestamp

0:00The Importance of List Building for Online Success
10:03Building Personal and Business Brands Through Content and Guesting
14:23Building Strategic Partnerships Through Outsourcing
16:59Building a 52-Week Email Drip Campaign with ChatGPT and Mailchimp
24:29Creating a Custom Chat GPT for a 52-Email Project
32:17Automating Email Marketing Series for Consistent Engagement
35:58The Power and Strategy of Effective Email Marketing
41:22Weaving Unified Plugins Into Client Solutions Through Storytelling
47:37Email Marketing Strategies and Building Strategic Partnerships

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