Episode 194 – Inbox Struggles Solved: How I Transformed My Agency’s Email Management Overnight

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In this episode, Matt Levenhagen shares his personal story of overcoming email chaos in his agency. This solo episode of The Builders takes listeners through Matt’s transition from managing multiple inboxes, struggling with scattered communications, and searching for a more efficient system to finally discovering Front. The episode highlights the difficulties he faced with previous tools like Zendesk and Help Scout and how his decision to adopt Front has transformed his agency’s email management.

Listeners will hear about Matt’s journey from frustration to success, as he reveals the real-world challenges of juggling emails across multiple clients and partners. He explores how Front's features like inbox zero, tagging, and seamless integration with tools like ClickUp helped streamline communications and improve productivity. Matt’s story illustrates how the right email management tool can prepare an agency for growth, ensuring better organization and response times.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Struggle with Multiple Inboxes: Matt shares his early struggles managing various inboxes and tools, explaining how this chaos affected his efficiency.
  • Exploring Solutions: Learn about the pros and cons of tools like Zendesk and Help Scout, and why they ultimately fell short.
  • Discovering Front: Matt’s transition to using Front and how it revolutionized his workflow, particularly in handling tasks, linking email threads, and improving collaboration.
  • Inbox Zero in Practice: Hear about the impact of achieving inbox zero, reducing clutter, and increasing focus within the agency.
  • Scaling for the Future: The episode also explores how Front prepares Matt’s agency for growth, ensuring the system can handle more team members and incoming emails as the business scales.


  • Introduction and Background
    • Introduction to the episode
    • Matt's email management struggles over the years
    • Early solutions: Slack, Asana, and email basics
  • Navigating the Chaos
    • Challenges of managing multiple inboxes from different clients and partners
    • Frustration with scattered communication
    • Gmail limitations and workarounds
  • Exploring Various Solutions
    • Initial adoption of Zendesk for email ticketing
    • Integration with ClickUp and why it wasn’t enough
    • Trying HelpScout and its limitations for Matt's needs
  • Finding the Solution: Front
    • Discovering Front and initial impressions
    • Why Front worked when other tools didn’t
    • Features that made a difference: tagging, thread linking, task management
  • Integration with ClickUp
    • How Front integrates with ClickUp to streamline tasks
    • Linking email threads to tasks for seamless project management
    • Real-time collaboration and task tracking
  • Achieving Inbox Zero
    • The importance of Inbox Zero in Matt’s daily workflow
    • How Front’s rules, automations, and tagging help maintain an organized inbox
    • The impact of Inbox Zero on productivity and focus
  • Preparing for Future Growth
    • How Front scales with Matt’s agency as the team grows
    • Adding team members to shared inboxes and task assignments
    • The long-term benefits of consolidating email management
  • Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    • Reflecting on the journey from email chaos to streamlined management
    • The importance of finding the right tools for agency growth
    • Promoting Unified Web Design’s services and closing remarks

Click to See Episode Chapters and Timestamp

0:00Matt's Journey in Managing Agency Communication and Email Challenges
4:08The Evolution of Hexadrhead and Zendesk Integration
8:31Managing Multiple Inboxes and Email Challenges in an Agency
14:26Exploring Email Management Solutions: Help Scout vs Front App
21:44Streamlining Project Management with Email and Task Integration
25:58Achieving Inbox Zero with ClickUp and Front
29:50Scaling Business Efficiency with Centralized Email Management
34:14Streamlining Project Management with ClickUp and Front Integration

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